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Peer reviewed publications


Tsiachristas, A., Vrangbæk, K., Gongora-Salaza, P., and Kristensen, S. R. (2023). Integrated care in a Beveridge system: Experiences from England and Denmark. Health Economics Policy and Law, Forthcoming


Borghi, J., Kadungure, A., Nhassengo, P., Loewenson, R., Anselmi, L., Fichera, E., Kovacs, R., Gwati, G., Ohrnberger, J., Kristensen, S. R., Singh, N., Chicumbe, S., Midzi, N., and Brown, G. (2023). A comparative study of pay- ment for performance design, health system effects and outcomes in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. International Journal of Public Sector Management

Feng, Y., Kristensen, S. R., Lorgelly, P., Meacock, R., Elvira, A. N., Sanchez, M. R., Siciliani, L., and Sutton, M. (2023). Pay-for-Performance incentives for specialised services in England: A mixed methods evaluation. European Journal of Health Economics


Greve, J., Kristensen, S. R., and Lydiksen, N. (2023). Patient and peer: Guideline design and expert response. Journal of Health Economics, 92:102806


Britteon, P., Kristensen, S. R., Lau, Y.-S., McDonald, R., and Sutton, M. (2023). Spillover effects of financial incentives for providers onto non-targeted patients: Daycase surgery in English hospitals. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 18(3):289–304


Kristensen, S. R., Anselmi, L., Brown, G. W., Fichera, E., Kovacs, R., Loewenson, R., Singh, N., Midzi, N., Mustapha, F., White, L., and Borghi, J. (2023). Pay for performance at a crossroads: Lessons from taking a global perspective. International Journal of Public Sector Management, ahead-of- print(ahead-of-print)


Xiao, M., Kristensen, S. R., Marti, J., and Mossialos, E. (2023). The impact of patient safety incidents on patients’ quality of life for patients with hip and knee replacements: a before and after study using longitudinal data HES linked to PROMs. International journal of surgery (London, England)


Lugo-Palacios, D. G., Clarke, J. M., and Kristensen, S. R. (2023). Back to basics: A mediation analysis approach to addressing the fundamental questions of integrated care evaluations. Health Economics, 32(9):2080–2097

Dantas Gurgel, G., Kristensen, S. R., da Silva, E. N., Gomes, L. B., Barreto, J. O. M., Kovacs, R. J., Sampaio, J., Bezerra, A. F. B., de Brito e Silva, K. S., Shimizu, H. E., de Sousa, A. N. A., Fardousi, N., Borghi, J., and Powell- Jackson, T. (2023). Pay-for-performance for primary health care in Brazil: A comparison with England’s Quality Outcomes Framework and lessons for the future. Health Policy, 128:62–68


Francetic, I., Meacock, R., Elliott, J., Kristensen, S.R., Britteon, P., Lugo-Palacios, D.G., Wilson, P., Sutton, M., 2022. Framework for identification and measurement of spillover effects in policy implementation: intended non-intended targeted non-targeted spillovers (INTENTS). Implementation Science Communications 3, 30. 

Fardousi, N., Silva, E.N. da, Kovacs, R., Borghi, J., Barreto, J.O.M., Kristensen, S.R., Sampaio, J., Shimizu, H.E., Gomes, L.B., Russo, L.X., Gurgel, G.D., Powell-Jackson, T., 2022. Performance bonuses and the quality of primary health care delivered by family health teams in Brazil: A difference-in-differences analysis. PLOS Medicine 19, e1004033. 

Kovacs, R., Brown, G.W., Kadungure, A., Kristensen, S.R., Gwati, G., Anselmi, L., Midzi, N., Borghi, J., 2022. Who is paid in pay-for-performance? Inequalities in the distribution of financial bonuses amongst health centres in Zimbabwe. Health Policy and Planning 37, 429–439. 

Allen, T., Gyrd-Hansen, D., Kristensen, S.R., Oxholm, A.S., Pedersen, L.B., Pezzino, M., 2022. Physicians under Pressure: Evidence from Antibiotics Prescribing in England. Med Decis Making 0272989X2110699. 


Clarke, L., Anderson, M., Anderson, R., Klausen, M.B., Forman, R., Kerns, J., Rabe, A., Kristensen, S.R., Theodorakis, P., Valderas, J., Kluge, H., Mossialos, E., 2021. Economic Aspects of Delivering Primary Care Services: An Evidence Synthesis to Inform Policy and Research Priorities. The Milbank Quarterly 1468–0009.12536. 

Stokes, J., Shah, V., Goldzahl, L., Kristensen, S.R., Sutton, M., 2021. Does prevention-focused integration lead to the triple aim? An evaluation of two new care models in England. J Health Serv Res Policy 26, 125–132. 

Kovacs, R., Maia Barreto, J.O., da Silva, E.N., Borghi, J., Kristensen, S.R., Costa, D.R.T., Bezerra Gomes, L., Gurgel, G.D., Sampaio, J., Powell-Jackson, T., 2021. Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of primary care under Brazil’s national pay-for-performance programme: a longitudinal study of family health teams. The Lancet Global Health 9, e331–e339.

Singh, N.S., Kovacs, R.J., Cassidy, R., Kristensen, S.R., Borghi, J., Brown, G.W., 2021. A realist review to assess for whom, under what conditions and how pay for performance programmes work in low- and middle-income countries. Social Science & Medicine 270, 113624. 


Heyes, H., Stokes, J., Kristensen, S.R., Sutton, M., 2020. The effect of payment method and multimorbidity on health and healthcare utilisation. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol. 35 No. 3, pp. 382-405.

Simonsen, N.F., Oxholm, A.S., Kristensen, S.R., Siciliani, L., 2020. What explains differences in waiting times for health care across socioeconomic status? Health Economics 29, 1764–1785. 

Kovacs, R.J., Powell-Jackson, T., Kristensen, S.R., Singh, N. and Borghi, J., 2020. How are pay-for-performance schemes in healthcare designed in low-and middle-income countries? Typology and systematic literature review. BMC Health Services Research, 20, pp.1-14.

Anselmi, L., Borghi, J., Fichera, E., Brown, G.W., Hanson, K., Kadungure, A., Kovacs, R., Kristensen, S.R., Singh, N. and Sutton, M., 2020. Pay for Performance: A Reflection on How a Global Perspective Could Enhance Policy and Research. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, pp.1-5.


Ghafur, S., Kristensen, S., Honeyford, K., Martin, G., Darzi, A., Aylin, P., 2019. A retrospective impact analysis of the WannaCry cyberattack on the NHS. npj Digital Medicine 2,98.


Feng, Y., Kristensen, S.R., Lorgelly, P., Meacock, R., Sanchez, M.R., Siciliani, L., Sutton, M., 2019. Pay for performance for specialised care in England: Strengths and weaknesses. Health Policy 123, 1036–1041.

Meacock, R., Anselmi, L., Kristensen, S. R., Doran, T., and Sutton, M. (2019). Do variations in hospital admission rates bias comparisons of stand- ardized hospital mortality rates? A population-based cohort study. Social Science & Medicine, 235:112409. 

Stokes, J., Lau, Y.-S., Kristensen, S. R., and Sutton, M. (2019). Does pooling health & social care budgets reduce hospital use and lower costs? Social Science & Medicine, 232:382–388. 


Oxholm, A.S., Kristensen, S.R., Sutton, M., 2018. Uncertainty about the effort–performance relationship in threshold-based payment schemes. Journal of Health Economics 62, 69–83. 

Stokes, J., Struckmann, V., Kristensen, S. R., Fuchs, S., van Ginneken, E., Tsiachristas, A., van Mölken, M. R., and Sutton, M. (2018). Towards in- centivising integration: A typology of payments for integrated care. Health Policy, 0(0).

Borghi, J., Singh, N. S., Brown, G., Anselmi, L., and Kristensen, S. R. (2018). Understanding for whom, why and in what circumstances payment for per- formance works in low and middle income countries: Protocol for a realist review. BMJ global health, 3(3):e000695. 

Larsen KN, Kristensen SR, Søgaard R, 2018, Autonomy to health care professionals as a vehicle for value-based health care? Results of a quasi-experiment in hospital governance, Social Science and Medicine, Vol: 196, Pages: 37-46


Stokes J, Kristensen SR, Checkland K, Cheraghi-Sohi S, Bower P close, 2017, Does the impact of case management vary in different subgroups of multimorbidity? Secondary analysis of a quasi-experiment, Bmc Health Services Research, Vol:17

Meacock, R., Sutton, M., Kristensen, S. R., and Harrison, M. (2017). Using survival analysis to improve estimates of life year gains in policy evaluations. Medical Decision Making, 37(4):415–426


Kristensen, S. R. (2017). Financial Penalties for Performance in Health Care, Editorial. Health Economics, 26(2):143–148


Meacock, R., Anselmi, L., Kristensen, S. R., Doran, T., and Sutton, M. (2017). Higher mortality rates amongst emergency patients admitted to hospital at weekends reflect a lower probability of admission. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 22(1):12–19

Anselmi, L., Meacock, R., Kristensen, S. R., Doran, T., and Sutton, M. (2017). Arrival by ambulance explains variation in mortality by time of ad- mission: retrospective study of admissions to hospital following emergency department attendance in England. BMJ Quality & Safety, Vol: 26, Pages: 613-621


Whittaker, W., Anselmi, L., Kristensen, S. R., Lau, Y.-S., Bailey, S., Checkland, K., Elvey, R., Rothwell, K., Stokes, J., and Hodgson, D (2016). The impact of extending opening hours in primary care on emergency department visits: a difference-in-differences analysis. PLOS Medicine. 13, 9, p. e1002113. Open Access Link


Stokes, J., Kristensen, S. R., and Checkland, K. (2016). Integrated care: theory to practice. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, E-pub ahead of print - 29 Jul 2016. Open Access Link


Stokes, J., Kristensen, S. R., Checkland, K., and Bower, P. (2016). Effectiveness of multidisciplinary team case management: difference-in-differences analysis. BMJ Open, 6(4):e010468. Open Access Link


Kristensen, S. R., Siciliani, L., and Sutton, M. (2016). Optimal price-setting in pay for performance schemes in health care. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 123:57–77. Journal Link


Kristensen, S. R., Bech, M., and Lauridsen, J. T. (2015). Who to pay for performance? The choice of organisational level for hospital performance incentives. The European Journal of Health Economics, 17: 435. 


Soegaard, R., Kristensen, S. R., and Bech, M. (2015). Incentivising effort in governance of public hospitals: development of a delegation-based alternative to activity-based remuneration. Health Policy, 119(8):1076–1085


Kristensen, S. R., Bech, M., and Quentin, W. (2015). A roadmap for comparing readmission policies with application to Denmark, England, Germany and the United States. Health Policy, 119(3):264–273


Kristensen, S. R., Meacock, R., Turner, A. J., Boaden, R., McDonald, R., Roland, M., and Sutton, M. (2014). Long-term effect of hospital pay for performance on mortality in England. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(6):540–548


Meacock, R., Kristensen, S. R., and Sutton, M. (2014). Paying for improvements in quality: recent experience in the NHS in England. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 1(1)

Meacock, R., Kristensen, S. R., and Sutton, M. (2014). The Cost-Effectiveness Of Using Financial Incentives To Improve Provider Quality: A Framework And Application. Health economics, 23(1):1–13


Kristensen, S. R., Mcdonald, R., and Sutton, M. (2013). Should pay-for-performance schemes be locally designed? Evidence from the commissioning for quality and innovation (CQUIN) framework. Journal of Health Services

Research & Policy , 18(2S):38–49

Peer reviewed editorials and commentary

Wallenburg, I., Friebel, R., Henschke, C., Kristensen, S. R., Nicińska, A., and Or, Z. (2023). Special issue: On the roof top of health policy change: Overlooking 21 years of the European Health Policy Group. Health Economics, Policy and Law

Anselmi, L., Borghi, J., Brown, G. W., Fichera, E., Hanson, K., Kadungure, A., Kovacs, R., Kristensen, S. R., Singh, N. S., and

Sutton, M. (2020). Pay for Performance: A Reflection on How a Global Perspective Could Enhance Policy and Research. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(9):365–369

Kluge, H., Kelley, E., Swaminathan, S., Yamamoto, N., Fisseha, S., Theodorakis, P. N., Kristensen, S., Anderson, M., and Mossialos, E. (2018). After Astana: Building the economic case for increased investment in primary health care. The Lancet, 392(10160):2147–2152

Kristensen, S. R. (2017). Financial Penalties for Performance in Health Care. Health Economics, 26(2):143–148

Stokes, J., Checkland, K., and Kristensen, S. R. (2016). Integrated care: Theory to practice. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 21(4):282– 285

Book chapters

Kristensen, S. R. and Olsen, K. R. (2021). Sustainable Health Care and Health Care Reforms in Denmark 2000–2020. In H. Baltagi, B. and Moscone, F., editors, The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe, volume 295 of Contributions to Economic Analysis, pages 103–116. Emerald Publishing Limited


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