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Kristensen, S.R. Is Competition Cost-Effective? The Impact of Choice and Competition on Quality, Costs and Equity in Public Health Care Delivery, The Danish Research Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences, DKK 6,058,000, Principal Investigator, 2023-2026

Prætorius, T. and Kristensen, S.R. Incentivising coherence in acre for type 2 diabetes: development, engagement and test of incentive models at high and low levels of care complexity, Novo Nordisk Foundation, DKK 5,804,397, Co-investigator, 2023-2026 

Oxholm, A.S., [...] Kristensen, S.R. et al., The hidden costs of resource constraints in primary care, Læge Sofus Carl Emil Friis og Hustru Olga Dorus Friis’ Legat, ≈£118,000, 2018-2020


Borghi, J. [...] Kristensen, S.R., et al., Unpacking the effect of the national pay for performance scheme (PMAQ) on inequalities in the financing and delivery of primary care in Brazil, MRC-CONFAP / Newton Fund, £249484, 2018-2021


Sutton, M., Meacock, R., Kristensen, S. R., Identifying and Measuring Spillover Effects of Changes to Healthcare Organisation and Delivery, MRC- NIHR Methodology Research Programme, £412,808, 2018-2021

Bech M. et al. (2017), The Socioeconomic Impact of Research in Health and Disease, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Co-investigator, £1,180,778, 2018 -2022

Kristensen, S.R. (2017), Identifying and Measuring Knowledge Spillovers of Health Service Delivery Interventions: A Network Analysis Approach, MRC/NIHR Methodology Research Programme,  Principal investigator, £389,511, 2017–2020

Borghi, J. et al. (2016), Strengthening health system delivery and quality: Mechanisms and Effects of Performance Based Financing in the Sub-Saharan context, DFID, ESRC, MRC Wellcome Trust joint Health Systems Research Initiative,  Co-investigator, £566,616, 2017–2019

Kristensen, S.R. (2016), Charachterising and Identifying Mechanisms for Within-Organisation Spillovers, NIHR Primary Care Research Seedcorn Funding,  £5,000, 2016

Rutten-van Mölken, M. et al. (2015), Sustainable Integrated Care Models for Multi- Morbidity: Delivery, Financing, and Performance, EU Horizon 2020,  Co-investigator, €5.5M, 2015–2019

Kristensen, S.R. (2012 ), Efficient Provision of Organizational Incentives in Public Procurement and Regulation, The Danish Research Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences, Principal investigator, £192,715, 2012- 2015

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